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姓名 席万鹏 职称 教授,博士生导师
出生地 甘肃靖远 出生年月 1979年11月9日
部门 园艺系 研究方向 果实品质形成与调控;果实营养与人类健康。
  • 席万鹏

    姓名:席万鹏 职称:教授,博士生导师 出生地:甘肃靖远 出生年月:1979年11月9日 部门:园艺系 研究方向:果实品质形成与调控;果实营养与人类健康。

席万鹏,男,1979年11月生,博士,教授,博士生导师,美国马里兰大学访问学者。重庆市杰出青年科学基金获得者,重庆市科技特派员。国家自然科学基金、重庆市科委、教委等项目通讯评审专家,教育部青年长江学者、高等学校科研成果奖评审专家。受邀Crit Rev Food Sci、Planta、J Agric Food Chem、J Plant Physiol、Plant Growth Regulation、J Funct Foods、Food Chem、Food Biosci、J Food Sci、Plant Food Hum Nutr、Gene、Hortscience、中国农业科学和园艺学报等20余个国内外期刊审稿人。主要研究方向为果实风味、色泽、营养等品质的形成机制与调控技术。近年主持国家自然科学基金、重庆市杰出青年科学基金、中国博士后基金、重庆市自然科学基金、重庆市博士后特别资助项目、中央高校基本科研业务费团队项目等20余项。已以第一作者或通讯作者在Plant Cell Environ、J Agric Food Chem、Ind Crop Prod、BMC Genomics、BMC Plant Biol、Food Chem、Postharvest Biol Tec等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,申请专利2项,出版专著3部,获省部级科技奖励2项。




2015年9-2016年9月,美国马里兰大学帕克分校,访问学者,合作导师Zhongchi Liu教授。











1. 国家自然科学基金:ERF对杏果实芳香味脱辅基类胡萝卜素形成的调控作用及机制研究(31872046),2019.1-2022.12

2. 国家自然科学基金:杏果实香气物质形成特异CCD基因家族成员的克隆及功能解析(31471855),2015.1-2018.12

3. 国家自然科学基金:桃果实内酯类香气物质的生物合成及其调控机制研究(31260467),2013.1-2016.12

4. 重庆市自然科学杰出青年基金:PIFs介导光调控柑橘果实类胡萝卜素代谢的分子机制研究 (编号: cstc2019jcyjjqX0029),2019.7-2022.7


6. 重庆市博士后特别资助项目:光信号调控柑橘果实类胡萝卜素积累的分子机制研究(编号:Xm2017076),2017.10-2018.12


[1]Xi WP, Zhang B, Liang L, Shen JY, Wei WW, Xu CJ, Andrew CA, Ferguson I, Chen KS*. Postharvest temperature influences volatile lactones production via regulation of acyl-CoA oxidases in peach fruit.Plant Cell and Environment, 2012, 35(3): 534-545. (IF=5.215)

[2]Xi WP, Feng J, Liu Y, Zhang SK, Zhao GH*. The R2R3-MYB transcription factor PaMYB10 is involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in apricots and determines red blushed skin.BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19:287. (IF=3.93)

[3] Zhang LN, Zhang QY, Li WH, Zhang SK,Xi WP*. Identification of key genes and regulators associated with carotenoid metabolism in apricot (Prunus armeniaca) fruit using weighted gene coexpression network analysis.BMC Genomics, 2019, 20(1):876. (IF=3.730)

[4] Zhang QY, Feng C, Li WH, Qu ZH, Zeng M,Xi WP*. Transcriptional regulatory networks controlling taste and aroma quality of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) fruit during ripening.BMC Genomics, 2019, 20 (1):45. (IF=3.730)

[5] Zheng HW, Zhang QY, Quan JP, Zheng Q,Xi WP*. Determination of sugars, organic acids, aroma components, and carotenoids in grapefruit pulps.Food Chemistry, 2016, 205:112-121. (IF=4.052)

[6] Zhang QY, Chen WW, Zhao JH,Xi WP*. Functional constituents and antioxidant activities of eight Chinese native goji genotypes.Food Chemistry,2016, 200:230-236. (IF=4.052)

[7]Xi WP, Zhang, YM, Sun, Y, Shen, Y, Ye, XQ, Zhou, ZQ*. Phenolic composition of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Balnco.) pulps and their antioxidant properties.Industrial Crops and Products, 2014, 52(1): 466-474. (IF=2.837)

[8]Xi WP, Zhang QY, Lu XY, Wei CQ, Yu SL, Zhou ZQ*. Improvement of flavor quality and consumer acceptance during postharvest ripening in greenhouse peaches by carbon dioxide enrichment,Food Chemistry, 2014, 164: 219-227. (IF=3.391)

[9]Xi WP, Fang B, Jiao BN, Zhou ZQ*. Flavonoid compositions and antioxidant activities of Chinese local pomelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck.) cultivars.Food Chemistry, 2014, 161:230-238. (IF=3.391)

[10]Xi WP, Zhang B, Shen JY, Sun CD, Xu CJ, Chen KS*. Intermittent warming alleviated the loss of peach fruit aroma-related esters by regulation of AAT during cold storage.Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2012, 74: 42-48. (IF=2.454)

[11]Xi WP*, Zheng HW, Zhang QY, Li WH: Profiling taste and aroma compound metabolism during apricot fruit development and ripening.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17(7):998-1019. (IF=3.257)

[12] Liu SY, Hu LP, Jiang D,Xi WP*. Effect of post-harvest LED and UV light irradiation on the accumulation of flavonoids and limonoids in the segments of Newhall Navel Oranges (Citrus sinensisOsbeck).Molecules, 2019, 24, 1755. (IF=3.098)

[13] Hu LP, Yang C, Zhang LN, Feng J,Xi WP*. Effect of light-emitting diodes and ultraviolet irradiation on the soluble sugar, organic acid, and carotenoid content of postharvest sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis(L.) Osbeck).Molecules2019, 24, 3440. (IF=3.098)

[14] Zhang H,Xi WP (Co-first author), Yang Y, Zhou X, Liu X, Yin S, Zhang J, Zhou ZQ*. An on-line HPLC-FRSD system for rapid evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity of Citrus fruits.Food Chemistry,2015, 172(0):622-629. (IF=3.391)

[15] Zhang B,Xi WP (Co-first author), Wei WW, Shen JY, Ferguson I, Chen KS*. Changes in aroma-related volatiles and gene expression during low temperature storage and subsequent shelf-life of peach fruit.Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60(1): 7-16. (IF=2.256)


1.郁松林,席万鹏. 果树工,中国劳动社会保障出版社,2008

2.亚合甫 木沙,席万鹏,杏生产技术,西南师范大学出版社,2017

3.Wanpeng Xi*, Yun Lei. Nutritional Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Fruits and Vegetables, 35: Nutritional composition, health Benefits and antioxidant properties of apricot, Apple Academic Press, 2020

4.席万鹏, 沈博睿. 新型易腐水果的小型冷藏包装盒. ZL 201110414487.4







